Tuesday, May 16, 2006


One in a million obertures
ye are free to despise
in this mad world
if Advent is the name of yer savior
force me to swear that I saw him outside
killing runaway bunnies and stray dogs
plush your pretty penny in our oasis
blur the sight of such majesty
and point thy sacred arrow to the sky
so I can purify God’s thoughts
of this mad world
prepare thy obertures
for the magma
latent Advent of our sky
bring us Salvation and Scatterheart
our beloved (s)words
with pointy shadows
of magical rev(f)erence.
There is a supersonic sun in my mouth
as I swim into thy Womb of Oblivion
swimming in this mad world
like the advent-herald-harbinger
of delightful delirium
bring us the Anchor Song and the Flower of Carnage
to kill this crazy man inside
of many gods in this mad world
mental, mental, mental
one in a million obertures of Advent
wouldnnae cure a germ of the brain
not even with pretty penny from Porn Los Angeles
if ye know my thoughts and thus, what I mean
for ye are the Verb, as much as I be
a mere period, comma, or a simple parenthesis
please, undo this theater sin in unison
for there shall be our will
to remap thy mind
and reprogram thy thoughts
as much as I want to reset mine
in sweet Nirvana-strawberry-fields-forever.


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